Thursday, July 18, 2013


Since I'm working on another article for RunMinnesota, I thought it would be fun to revisit the piece published last fall.

That's me!

In February of 2012, after a decade of not running, I signed up with Team in Training to run a half marathon in memory of my late father and raise money for leukemia/lymphoma cancer research. 

Signing up was the easy part.
The rest looked like the picture below.
And I mean the girl dressed in yellow, in case you were confused.

Because I was "torturing myself for a good cause" (that's a quote from a friend of mine), I had a lot of support.


Here's a link to read the magazine on-line.  My article is on page 14.

The goal of the article was to inspire others to do the same--get in shape while raising money for worthy causes.

Instead, my body totally fell apart and I had to start all over again, rebuilding my hips and legs from step one.

That's what the article I'm currently writing is all about:  getting the right shoes, physical therapy, and (my favorite topic, of course) Pilates/yoga.

Which leads to my next question:
Why do so few men practice yoga?
And now I have to laugh at myself, because it's SO FREAKING HOT OUTSIDE that I haven't run in almost a week. 

An awesome friend sent this card to me once in college.
Best.  Card.  Ever.

But I have done yoga.  Indoors.  In air conditioning.  Where the sane people live.  :.)

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