Sunday, January 3, 2016


Samhain Horror

Samhain is now accepting submissions for our line of horror novels. We are actively seeking talented writers who can tell an exciting, dramatic and frightening story, and who are eager to promote their work and build their community of readers.

We are looking for novels - either supernatural or non-supernatural, contemporary or historical - that are original and compelling. Authors can be previously unpublished or established, agented or un-agented. Content can range from subtle and unsettling to gory and shocking. The writing is what counts.

Our criteria: 

  • Between 12,000 and 120,000 words, for print eligibility length must be a minimum of 60,000 and a maximum 120,000 words

  • A fresh premise that can be conveyed in a marketing hook of 2 - 3 sentences

  • Believable, three-dimensional characters

  • A gripping, suspenseful style

  • Credible world-building that can make even the strangest creatures believable

  • Within the horror genre, not fantasy or science-fiction, though borders often blur

Retro Romance™

Yesterday's Romances for Today's Reader.

Samhain Publishing® is proud to introduce our newest venture, Retro Romance™.

Classic romances from the 70's, 80's, and 90's can find new life in the digital age with Samhain Publishing®.

If you are an author with digital rights to your classic romances, we would love to hear from you. Samhain will take on the multiple steps of digital publication - copyediting, formatting, cover treatment and wide digital distribution - while you reap the hassle-free rewards.

We employ a sliding royalty scale, and are offering terms of 30% of list price for the first 2,500 copies sold, 35% of list for the next 2,500 copies sold, and 40% of list thereafter.

If you are an author looking for a digital publishing partner for your older romance novels, look no further than Samhain Publishing®.

Samhain Romance

Samhain is now open to general submissions of all genres of romance and erotica, as well as fantasy, urban fantasy and science fiction with strong romantic elements. Authors can be previously unpublished or established, agented or un-agented. We will consider previously published manuscripts on a case-by-case basis.

We are looking for romances of all types and styles, and all levels of heat. Let your imagination run free.

For science fiction, fantasy, and urban fantasy submissions, we would like strong romantic themes throughout, and while a traditional happy ending is not required, we would like some progression in the romantic arc as well as a satisfying ending for fans of romance.

Our Criteria:

Between 12,000 and 100,000+ words. For print eligibility, minimum 50,000 words and maximum 120,000 words Simultaneous submissions accepted, but keep us posted on the current status of your manuscript No pedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia, rape as titillation, etc.


Keep watching the Black Cat Blog and KRISTIN D. VAN RISSEGHEM'S BLOG for more info on the participating publishers.

Don't forget--the next #Pit2Pub Twitter Pitch Party is

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2016!

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